
Not Saying Goodbye

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To our dear friends, family and those following us on our life adventure.

Today was a very sad day as we had to let Morgan, our Golden Retriever, go. 

Our precious Morgan was 17 years and 25 days. She was our best friend, hiking buddy and our joy. 

Here are a few of our favorite photos. 

She was born November 13, 2000. She was one of a bunch of puppies and we picked her. Her tail was painted yellow and 9 weeks later we picked her up.

We knew these dogs were destined to be ours. They were born on Dale and Dorana’s moms birthday. Their moms middle name is Golden! How could we not know these girls were ours!!!! 


Dale’s sister, Dorana, was with us when we went to get Morgan. She saw Morgan’s sister and it was love at first sight. 


Morgan is in the black leash, Amika in the red. This is such a fun story to tell and if you have time I hope you read it. You will laugh along with us. 

We were going on a trip with our singles group and staying in a house at Sun River. On the way there we remembered NO DOGS ALLOWED. Well, we had to sneak the girls in the room and keep them there all weekend. Some one had to stay with them so all 3 of us were never seen together which made everyone wonder. We had to sneak the girls out through the window, daytime and night time, to do their business. When they would play and growl and bark at each other we had to make noises to cover up their noises. No one ever knew they were in that house even when a dog toy ended up under the wiper of our car. Oh, we have laughed and laughed over this for 17 years. And will continue to in years to come. 

This is the girls first hike at 9 weeks old at Smith Rock State Park. Sadly, we lost Amika a few years ago.


Morgan loved her sticks and balls!


She’s Miss Anal about her balls and toys.


She was our hiking buddy and loved being on the trails. As she got older (about 15) and couldn’t do much walking, she still wanted to be on a wooded trail.
She loved the ocean!


And the snow!


Annie and Morgan were buddies. Sadly, we lost Annie the first of 2017.


She was always smiling! That is what I will remember about her. The love and joy she brought to our lives. Incredible and could never be replaced. Until we meet in heaven. Always in my heart. 


Time To Do A Little Crowing

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I’m not usually a self “horn tooter” but at times it just needs to come out!

Back in August I was determined to lose weight because I did not want to go on meds for diabetes. (the year before I had had enough of many things and ate my way through many buffets!)  At my last check up my blood pressure was up and my blood sugars were high and my weight was up 17 pounds. All  a very serious risk to the old ticker. I was determined to healthier.

The first book I picked up for advice and help was “The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet” by Michael Mosley. This way of eating is only consuming 800 calories a day. I know, for myself, that eating certain foods puts fat on my body; takes my blood sugar up; and generally makes me sluggish. So some of the recipes in this book were not for me. Although, I have seen awesome results for people who follow this plan.

The seconded diet I looked at is called the Ketogenic Diet. This is a low carb, medium protein and high fat diet. What sounded good to me was the fact that when I take my body into ketosis it starts burning the fat in my body instead of glucose. Which means that my liver and pancreas don’t have to work as hard to make glucose.

I chose to keep by carb grams under 30 and have pretty much done that for the last 8 months. I have eliminated fruit and some veggies that have high carb value and are high on the glycemic chart. Of course, no sugar, no pasta’s, no flours (only Almond and Coconut), no rice (only cauliflower rice) and anything high in carbs. It’s amazing how your body fights not having all these carbs but now those carbs only make me sick.

I have found some great tasting recipes that make this way of eating something I want to do forever. Here are some links to the sites I use on the internet.

I’m also on a very encouraging and informational group on Facebook   I’m amazed at the results of this WOE from the photo’s posted to this group.

As we all know, exercise is essential to any “diet.” And this WOE is no different. I haven’t been as active this winter because of the cold and rain and I still lost inches and weight. I am now able to get out and walk more and I am keeping my weight at a steady number.

The result: My blood sugars are back to normal and my blood pressure is back in the normal realm of numbers, without meds. I have lost 21 pound with 10 more to go but they are being stubborn. I have lost a combined total of 20 inches off my tummy and hips. Yay!!!!

With these results this “diet” has become my way of eating for life. There will be no going back (yes I’ve cheated and regretted it). My energy level is awesome now and my body feels so good. Healthier is beautiful.

I write this for anyone who is struggling with weight issues or health issues. If I can do this YOU CAN TOO. I had to get in that sweet spot (or scary spot) in my life to WANT to do this. It takes effort and time (I hate planning dinner etc but it is a must now). It is worth it!

Life is good. I love how God gives us direction in our life. I couldn’t do this without Him guiding me.


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We started our day going to the outlet mall. We didn’t get here last year so we had to do it this year for sure. The stores were on the second level and the shops were placed in a circle on the floor. Lot of empty stores too. We found a great sale at Carters for Kids and bought Lucy some winter clothes. It is so much fun shopping for little girls! I did find some great bargains for Christmas presents.

Lucy getting brave in her 9 months!



We were getting hungry so thought it was time to eat something. We had decided we were going to go to Harrah’s “Fresh Market Square Buffet” for Thanksgiving so we thought it would be good to go have lunch there to make sure the food was good.

We stopped at the desk and got our “Players Card” to get $$ off our meal. Well, they don’t do a lunch buffet past 1:30 so we had to eat in the Beach Cafe. It was delicious so we thought we would be safe to have Thanksgiving there.

We stopped to play the slot machines. Dale lost his money and I came home with all my money plus three extra dollars. Ha! Big winnings. We were really trying to get points to get a free buffet but the guy who talked to me didn’t say you need 25 levels! That would be $100 put in a machine and we aren’t the best gamblers to spend that kind of money. It was hard using $10!


We saw a big banner on a building outside the main doors to Harrah’s saying that Guy Fieri was putting in a new restaurant. He is one of our favorite “Food Network” people. It would be fun to see him in person if he comes for the opening but we won’t be here then.

I did get an appointment for a Pedi and a Mani (birthday present from Dale) at the spa for next Tuesday. We got to walk by the pool and we took a small walk on the beach.





Harrah’s is the happening place!

PS. We did have Thanksgiving dinner here. As we stood in line with a hundred other people, Anita told us that her neighbor said this was the only good buffet in Laughlin. And it was delicious. All of it. We had turkey and all the trimmings down to the pumpkin pie. We also had a choice of pizza, sushi, many seafood dishes, ham, prime rib, scalloped potatoes, veggies of many varieties, and a dessert station that could be a meal in itself. A very delicious meal with food that was top grade. We do have to come back for dinner or breakfast. It was worth the $17 we paid. A very happy day and thankful day with friends.

Did I ever mention that life is good and I’m trying to live in each moment!

Comfort Food

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We all have our favorites for comfort food. One of my all time favorites started at Howard Prairie. After my evening shift cooking, we would get our “dinner meal” to take home to eat (at 9 p.m.) My dinner meal was Nachos. I still get cravings for Nachos every once in a while, so I was excited to try a recipe that came in my email box. These weren’t your regular Nachos. The only difference was that it was baked. I liked the idea of having hot chips with all the wonderful black beans, green onion, olives, avocado, cheese, jalapeno, tomatoes, salsa and sour cream.

The recipe isn’t hard. The dish is layered in any way you want to do it. Each layer is the same. Start with the chips.


Top with cheese and bake at 400 until hot and cheese is melted. I did heat up the beans and any meat you want to put on it. It was delicious! My sour cream is Tofutti (non-dairy). I have heard that Greek yogurt is good too.

This might even make a great Super Bowl dish – to be enjoyed with football! I think I’m going to make it again on Sunday for a snack.

ImageI know, I should have taken the photo before we dug in! Makes a beautiful dish.

Life is good! Thank you Father for the blessings you give us.

A Couple of Recipes

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I haven’t tried these yet, but wanted to share with you as they look really good.

First is the Stuffed Avocado. You can find the recipe at the link below.


Next is the Cowboy Caviar. You can find the recipe from the link below.!/2011/08/summer-salsa.html


The Cowboy Salsa can also be used in Tacos.


Life is good when eating healthy!

It’s A Date

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This last week Dale celebrated his birthday. We went to lunch at one of his favorite places, The Lighthouse Bakery. The drive to Umpqua was refreshing and fun. After lunch the next stop was the hardware store in Sutherlin and then a meander through St. Vinnies where I found 3 blouses in great condition!

Saturday, we went to the anniversary/birthday luncheon with the SKP’s at Sizzler. Since we are going whole foods diet, salad was on the menu. I did have a couple of nice hot wings though! And Dale had ice cream and a brownie. Getting together with the folks here always turns out to be a fun time. A lot is accomplished over food for this group!


My gift to Dale this year was a night out – yes, a date – to the Grand Victorian Mystery Dinner in Myrtle Creek. Neither one of us has been to Myrtle Creek and we agreed we need to come back in the daylight.

The play was set back in the 1940’s and called “The Secret Box.” We had to determine which box was the secret box, who had the secret box and what was the secret. So we had to really pay attention to the play!

Entering The Grand Victorian. Notice the full moon in the background.

We were seated at table 9, with 9 people to a table. What was interesting is that the people at the table were from Sutherlin, with 2 women from Asea (friends of the other ladies). So we had that in common and chatted with everyone.


Our table was decorated with 1940’s paraphernalia.


This table setting reminded me of the time I went with my daughter and family to Medieval Times down by Los Angles. The waitress we had so so accommodating and helpful. She kept us supplied with water, tea, coffee, rolls and anything we asked for. The waitresses were also dressed in 1940’s costume.


We were even given our own “Secret Box” with a peppermint candy inside.

We had two choices for dinner – Prime Rib or Garlic Chicken. Everyone at our table ordered the Prime Rib but Dale and I! I’m so glad we did because the chicken was delicious. Our first course, salad and rolls, came after the first scene where the main characters were introduced. Dorothy and her older adult children, Shirley and Lilly, and Grandpa (who kept us laughing all through the play).

After the 3rd scene, dinner was served and they did a very good job of getting the food out without it getting cold. We enjoyed the meal immensely.

The 4th scene was at a dance club where everyone was enjoying a night out – with secrets.


We got a treat with several of the cast singing songs popular during that era. “Swining’ on a Star”, I’ve Got Rhythm,” “You Make Me Love You,” and 5 others. What accomplished vocals we heard! A very entertaining show. After this scene dessert was served. We had a choice of New York Cheese Cake with Raspberry sauce or decadent Chocolate Cake. Chocolate won out!

Since it was Dale’s birthday, they announced all the birthdays and we sang happy birthday to celebrate the birthday people. Our waitress handed Dale a slice of the cheese cake to take home! What a great birthday present!!!!

Needless to say, this was a date we will remember for a long time.

Life is good. Amazing God Grace How Sweet the Sound, that Saved a Wretch like me. Amen.

Getting a Little Creative

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It has been a month since I joined Weight Watchers. Yes, I can hear you groan, but something needed to be done about the flab on my body! I’m motivated and that is when I have to get going on getting healthy. Motivation is the key.

I won’t go into what WW is about. The program is teaching me to stop when I am full; take smaller portions; and eat lots of fruit and veggies. It is also teaching me healthy snacking. WW program is not a diet. I can eat anything I want. However, I only get 26 points a day so the choice to eat something with a lot of points or not comes into play. Therefore, WW is teaching me good choices when it comes to food.

One good tool to eating healthy and good food choices is in planning meals ahead of time and also shopping for the ingredients. If you I know what you  I am going to eat and all the ingredients are in the fridge, then you I’m not going to go for stuff I know would blow not only my points, but also my weight loss for the week.

I found this awesome recipe  ~ Mexican Lasagna. I found the recipe at the Food Network website. You can find it here:
Mexican Lasagna

I did a few things different to make this WW friendly. Well, maybe I did only one thing – NO sour cream. I just didn’t want to go there. I’m not even fond of Fat-free sour cream.

The other thing I did was use chicken but this would also be a good vegetarian meal without meat. I took all the ingredients, but the cheese, and cooked them on the stove top. I layered the corn tortillas in my 11 x 7 Pyrex dish, cutting them in half. I used 6 inch tortillas. I layered the chicken mixture on top of the tortillas, sprinkled with cheese and repeated 3 layers. Covered and baked for 30 minutes (not the hour in the recipe) and took the cover off and baked for another 5 minutes. Topped it with diced tomatoes, avocado, salsa and jalapenos. It was delicious.

This is one of those recipes that you can either follow the recipe or do your own thing with. Which is so much more fun!!!!  Another great thing about this dish ~ IT IS SO EASY TO MAKE.

WW points=5

Life is good! (in the kitchen). God made today and it was beautiful.

Full of Christmas Cheer

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The Christmas Holiday is over! What a busy time we had the last few weeks leading up to Christmas. This SKP park keeps us busy with one thing or another.

The Fire Department collects for Toy for Tots and the park filled up an emergency vehicle with toys for the kids in the Sutherlin community. It would have been delightful to see the many children who got to go pick out a toy for Christmas! We can only imagine.

Then goodies were baked for the local emergency services and Dial-a-Ride. Again we out did ourselves providing the snacks to waiting police and fire department people! They were salivating at the door knowing a delivery from outstanding cooks was coming.

Our Christmas Party was a smashing success and everyone went home with a nice gift, full tummies and a sugar high for a few days.

Speaking of a sugar high – I was on one for a few days after receiving so many cookies, candies, chocolate covered fruit and fruit cake. I was busy making biscotti for those that so graciously included us in their Christmas giving. We also received a gift certificate from Our favorite eatery, Whitehorse Cafe, someone who said “we had been so nice to them.” See, being nice pays more than being a Grinch!

We attended the Roseburg Alliance Church on Sunday and was quite thrilled by what we heard and saw. We then attended the candlelight service on Christmas Eve in a Sutherlin church. It was awesome being back in God’s house and worshiping Him for the best gift anyone could have – Jesus Christ.


The Christmas holiday concluded on the 25th with our pot-luck Christmas dinner. We had so much food and it was all good. During clean up, we loaded up the dishwasher instead of doing the dishes by hand. First we wondered if we had dishwasher soap and finally found it after a 10 minute search (we don’t know the kitchen yet). Then after cramming in as many dirty dishes as we could in the dishwasher, we went to start it and NOTHING! Fuses were check and still NOTHING. A member graciously offered to wash the dishes while the repair man will be called today.

Life is good, very good. God sent His only Son so that man could come out of the darkness and into His beautiful light.

Dale and I send our gratitude and thanks to all who read us. We pray you will have a GREAT 2013! God’s blessing to all!

A Privilege

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After being in the SKP park since September we have learned how involved our community of RVer’s is involved in the community. We have avid Lions who are very involved in the community of Sutherlin. We also have veterans who are involved with the VA Hospital here sending books and clothes to veterans and their families.

Today was a day to bake cookies and goodies for Christmas for some major people in the community. Dial-A-Ride, which many in the park drive for them (we were also a major factor in getting Dial-A-Ride going in Sutherlin). We also contribute to the Fire Department Toys for Tots and Dale and I were amazed at the way the people in the park gave toys (under our tree) to kids in this community. So, to show our appreciation to these organizations we deliver cookies and goodies to them each Christmas.

So today was a baking day for me. I made those quick “no bake” chocolate/peanut butter cookies and 7 loaves of Egg Nog Bread. Tomorrow I will make brownies (homemade) and pumpkin cookies. Now, I’m not tooting my own horn at all. Just telling you of a ministry we have here to the community. I KNOW other women in the park are busy baking also.

On another note, we went to the local book store/coffee shop and I found a book,  The Quilter’s Kitchen by Darlene Zimmerman & Joy Hoffman. I liked what they had created for the kitchen using the quilting method of sewing. They also have recipes in the book. One caught my eye because I had all the ingredients. I call it the Rice Bowl.

I had some hamburger leftover from another meal. Added garlic cloves, onion, mushrooms, carrots and peas with a can of white beans and diced tomatoes. I cooked that for a while and then added rice (I used Uncle Ben’s 90 second rice. If you use regular rice, be sure to cook this dish longer and add it sooner), shredded Colby cheese and Parmesan cheese and let that melt. They said in the recipe to bake for an hour and then add cheese and bake 25 more minutes. That seemed excessive to me, so I just put it all in the skillet and cooked it on the stove top. Served with our great Lighthouse Bakery  Wheat bread and the meal was hearty and complete. Add a salad if you want more veggies! And… easy! After a day of baking I was all for easy.

Life is good! Do you know the song “Mary Did You Know”? Listen here and watch the video.


I’ve Been Waiting

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for this great product. The Nutri Bullet!

nutriI have used a Bullet for many years now. I usually whip up my morning or lunch smoothie. Also salsa a time or two. It has many uses though and is a small type blender that fits awesomely in the R.V.

However, the new Nutri Bullet pulverizes what you put in it and brings it to a very smooth consistency. I use Chia seeds and blueberries and now that I have the Nutri, I don’t have to worry about skins and seeds finding crevices in my mouths. The benefit to this is that nothing is lost nutrition wise by using veggies, fruit, nuts, and seeds.

Dale has gotten into the smoothie trend. We have recipes that incorporate leafy greens/veggies, fruit and nuts. There are recipes for detoxing, the immune system, energy, aging and a pick-me-up. Yes, doing this goes through a lot of veggies and fruit, but the results are worth it. Getting our daily amount of fruits and veggies is made easy – just drink them.

Today’s smoothie consisted of organic greens, spinach, carrots, cabbage, a little red pepper and onion, pear, kiwi, banana, apple, and blueberries. Add Cran Water (pure cranberry and water, diluted), Chai seeds, flaxseed oil with omega’s, cinnamon and oat bran. Let the Nutri Bullet do its thing and presto! Breakfast that tastes wonderful.

This is a birthday gift from Doris, my mother in marriage. Thank you so very much Doris!

Life is good. God protects, provides and blesses us! Amazing.

P.S. This also helps to lose some of those unwanted pounds that have taken up residence on the body!